1.PERCEPTION-Different ways of viewing a particular thing
2. CONTEXT - The background or setting that influences our understanding of
3. STAKEHOLDER - Parties involved in a particular economic activity
4. CHAIN OF SUPPLY - The network that connects the manufacturer and the consumer
5. EXPRESSIVE - The expression of our personal perspectives, opinions and emotions/ the ability to express our feeling or opinions eloquently.
6. TYPOGRAPHY - The art of arranging letters to convey a message
7. ASSUMPTIONS - Our preconceived notions about a particular thing
8. POSSIBILITIES - Things that might happen
9. ATTRIBUTES - Features or elements associated with that thing
10. DESCRIPTIVE ATTRIBUTES - The visible or tangible features of a product
11. FUNCTIONAL ATTRIBUTES - The functional properties/ pros and cons of a product
12. EMOTIONAL ATTRIBUTES - The feelings attached or associated with the item
13. PROCESS ATTRIBUTES - The making or manufacturing process involved
14. SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES - Its position or place in the community / contribution towards the society
15. CROSS BREEDING - The merging of two idea or products into something new
16. SUBSTITUTE - Replacing with something else
17. COMBINING - Joining together with something else
18. ADAPT - Changing the context
19. MODIFY - Changing an element slightly
20. REVERSE - Changing the direction/flow/pattern of working
21. ELIMINATE - Removing something
22. WHITE HAT - Facts and statistics
23. BLACK HAT - All the cons or negative aspects
24. RED HAT - The feelings, intuitions and emotions involved
25. GREEN HAT - New and creative ideas to solve the cons or make it better
26. YELLOW HAT - The pros and Positive aspects
27. BLUE HAT - The group working/ process involved
28. INJECTION MOULDING - A manufacturing process in which molten material is injected in a mould
29. CIRCLE OF OPPORTUNITIES - A tool which is used to generate ideas by mixing and matching the existing attributes of the product
30. MAPPING - A way of presenting information in the forms of a visual organiser
Journey of an object- ILLUSTRATED GLOSSARY
Etymology- when you break up the words in order to understand there original and thus get a better understanding of there meaning
Context- the background information or situation in which something happens
Phenomenon - a situation, event or circumstances
Infographics - visual representation of data
Autodidactic - self taught/ self working
Interferences- conclusion reached through research and evidence
Ergonomics - science concerned with ensuring efficient interaction between the user and the object.
Generalisation- the act of categorising things based on broad evidences
Utility- the unconventional uses of an object
Usability- the use of an object for its intended purpose
Power grip- grasping with palm
Precision grip/pinch grip- grasping with the index finger and thumb
Pricing- factors the influence the cost of a product
Anthropometry- the study of measurements and proportions of the human body.
Comfort- the state of being relaxed or free from pain
Safety- without hazard to the wellbeing
Affordances- properties of object which shows users the action they can take
Function- the purpose
Functionality- being useful/ fulfilling its purpose effectively
Convenience- ease in use
Milieu- the environment in which something occurs