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Fundamentals Of Visual Language 2

Writer's picture: Rashika LunganiRashika Lungani


During this project we used multiple mediums ranging from dry to wet as well as paper. The two main mediums that played a big role in my journey with FVL2 was dry pastels and water colours

Characteristics of dry pastels

dry pastels usually come shaped like a crayon and are packed with pigment that can we used dry as well as wet

Characteristics of water colours

Water colour on the other hand need to be activated by water and applied by brush. They come in either tubes or cakes.

Advantaged of dry pastels

  • quick and easy to use

  • Does not require any other tools for application

  • Very easy to blend

Disadvantages of dry pastels

  • they smudge easily

  • Layering is tricky

  • There is a lot of fall out

Advantages of water colours

  • better control

  • Very easy to layer

  • Colour mixing is easier

Disadvantage of water colours

  • time consuming

  • Requires additional tools like brushes , water and rags

  • Can sometimes eat through the paper if u add too much water

Which medium was more effective in creating the desired results, and why?

For me watercolours worked way better than pastels. I struggled a lot with pastels as It was my first time using the medium, the smudging and lack of shades created a lot of difficulties for me. Water colour on the other hand, was a medium I was comfortable with, it was easy to control and fixing mistakes was easier

My preferred medium

For me watercolour worked like a charm and was really comfortable to use. I had more command over the brush. I was able to make the correct shades easily. Though it is a time consuming process and waiting for the layers to dry required some patience the end result is more realistic than other mediums.

Do’s and Don’ts Of working with dry pastels

Dry pastels are a tricky medium to work with but after this week I have realised some tricks to make the process easier.


  • use cotton and ear swabs blend

  • Use a damp brush to create tints and less intense shades


  • do not keep your hand on top of the artwork while working as it will result in smudging

  • Do not use your fingers to blend as you will end up with finger prints everywhere

My work with dry pastels

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Prachi Mittal
Prachi Mittal
28 Kas 2020

Rashika, It is great to see that your Learner's Log is complete ahead of the FA Submission deadline. You have always been diligent and regular with it. Keep it up!

The reflective quality of your posts has improved with time. And the Last post on Isometric type is excellent - because you make insightful connections and have explained your observation analytically.

In most other posts, your work shows that there has been deeper understanding but that is not reflected in your posts to the same extent. May be you write in a hurry and/or take some of your realisations for granted and therefore not putting them down.

Moving forward, you need to add more reflective notes about your work. In…


Prachi Mittal
Prachi Mittal
28 Kas 2020

Scope of improvement : The notes on characteristics, properties and behaviour of different mediums is not very analytical - mostly states the obvious and does not probe into the reasons and implications (cause & effect).


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